Equally important – service quality

In 2020, our Customer Satisfaction Index was 4.39 on a 5-point scale, up 1 % from 2019. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) was at 45, up 2 p.p. from 2019. Passengers are loyal to the Company, as the share of promoters is 45 % larger than that of detractors.

  1. RAS financial statements and auditor’s report
  2. IFRS financial statements and auditor’s report
  3. Major transactions
  4. Interested-party transactions
  5. Disposal of non-core assets and carriages
  6. Report on compliance with the Bank of Russia’s corporate governance code
  7. JSC FPC’s registrar details
  8. List of FPC’s branches and their structural units certified to GOST R ISO 9001-2015